Weston is a community of friends and neighbors dedicated to our families and to each other. Weston is committed to quality education in a rural and residential atmosphere.
Welcome to our small town.
- Woody Bliss First Selectman
Contact Emergency Services Police, Fire, EMS, Animal Control
Weston Town Hall
Office Hours 9:00am-4:30 pm
Monday - Friday
Enjoy the beautiful scenery in Weston this Winter!
Weston Grand List Grows by 1.9% Date Posted:2-21-08 Weston's list of taxable property for the October 2007 Grand List year has been completed and filed with the Town Clerk. For complete Press Release, Click Here.
Veterans Exemptions Date Posted:2-12-08 The Assessor's Office has published a new brochure entitled "Veterans' Exemptions". Click Here to view or print a copy.
Weston is being designated a Clean Energy Community by the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund We have had over 100 residents sign up with Sterling Planet and CL&P to get clean electrical energy generated by renewable resources, and the Town has purchased Green Certificates, for Hydro & Wind power, towards its goal of 20% by 2010. We will now receive a 3KW solar array installed – FREE. (worth $30,000)
Weston Assessor Ken Whitman announces Weston's Revaluation for the October 2008 Grand List. Date Posted:2-09-08 Assessor Ken Whitman announces that The Town of Weston is in the process of conducting its State-mandated revaluation of all real estate in the municipality for the October 2008 grand list. The effect of the revaluation will be reflected in the taxes payable July 2009/January 2010. Additional information and answers to many questions can be found at the following links: ReValuation Advisory and Questions?